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Traditional Welsh Gold Court and D Shape Wedding Rings

Beautiful, solid, weighty and above all affordable 9ct and 18ct Welsh Gold D shape wedding rings from Cymru Gold.


The D Shape wedding ring profile shape is rounded on the outside edge of the ring and flat on the inside of the wedding ring providing a very secure fit wedding ring. The D shape wedding ring profile is the most popular wedding ring shape available for men and women that have industrious jobs that require a very secure fitting wedding ring. The D shape profile of the wedding ring helps the ring to stay firmer on the wedding finger making it harder to remove easily. The D shape wedding ring profile is also slightly lower in height compared to the court shaped ring so your wedding ring finger does not get caught up too easily when your hands are hard at work. Cymru Gold wedding rings are a weighty wedding ring with a great solid feel and quality that will last a lifetime.

The court shaped ring is rounded outside and inside the ring making it slightly easier to remove and is commonly known as a comfort ring.

The Court and D shape wedding rings are the most chosen and classic style of wedding rings you can buy today and have been this way for hundreds of years. Easy to alter as you alter with age and that all important ring that was blessed in your names at your wedding.

Of course our rings are so very special because of the inclusion of rare Welsh Gold and special occasions require a special ring that will last a lifetime. Traditional and Celtic Jewellery with a difference.

Click this link to see the difference in profiles of each ring.

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